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About the Bank

The “RSK Bank” was founded in 1996 to provide services to the population. Over the years, the Bank has confirmed its reliability and has earned the trust of the population, as evidenced by the ever-increasing number of customers. We continue to evolve and improve, given the current and future customer needs. At this stage the Bank is a modern, stable and dynamic financial institution, which provides a wide range of services to individual and corporate customers. Our company has a professional, responsible and friendly staff, always ready to help the customers.

The priorities of the “RSK Bank’s” development include increasing the level of service, expanding the range of banking services, improving the quality and accessibility of services for all segments of the population and the corporate segment. 

The “RSK Bank” strives to become a better Bank servicing the population and small and medium-sized businesses throughout the territory of Kyrgyzstan, and to ensure the availability of banking services for all population groups and categories of business. In our business we rely on the principle of the fullest satisfaction of the needs of our customers and all stakeholders, using modern management techniques. We understand that business is the foundation of prosperity of the country's economy and society as a whole. Therefore, social responsibility is one of the main principles of our business.

We want our Bank activities to earn trust and understanding in society, among our customers and partners. We strive to maintain the image of the company at our every step.


History of the Bank

 The “Cash and Savings Company” OJSC was founded in 1996 by the Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic No.24 as of July 22, 1996 with registered capital of 1 (one) million KGS.

The company is actively developing, new branches are opening, new services are regularly introduced, and the number of customers is growing. The “RSK” OJSC has obtained a license to conduct banking activities in December 2007. On August 13, 2008 the General Meeting of Shareholders has decided to change the name of the “Cash and Savings Company” OJSC to the “RSK Bank” OJSC. The procedure for registration of the “RSK Bank” has been completed in the Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic on September 24, 2008.

As of today, the registered capital of the “RSK Bank” is 9 400 822 000 KGS.

The “RSK Bank” has an extensive network of correspondent banks abroad, which confirms the trust of the international financial community to our bank and opens up additional possibilities for its clients. The “RSK Bank” provides a wide range of services to individuals and legal entities. New banking products are introduced on the regular basis. The network of service points of the “RSK Bank” consists of Head office, 53 branches, 38 fixed and 28 field savings banks. The guarantee of stability of the “RSK Bank” is supported at the governmental level, since 100% shares of the “RSK Bank” OJSC belongs to the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic.


Our Values

  • Caring about the welfare of clients and partners, employees, society and the country as a whole;
  • Security - confidence in the bank, easy to use banking services;
  • Ownership - the welfare of the state is based on the welfare of every citizen and business. A strong company is built on a strong and successful staff. The prosperity of the business is only possible with the welfare of clients and partners;
  • Saving and control - a reasonable disposal of the money, affordability and easy of service, competitive rates as a confirmation of the correct choice
  • We are confident that our clients share our values and that in a short time our clients and partners will indeed refer to us as “The People's Bank”;

Principles of operation

  • focus on client needs;
  • concern for the welfare of partners;
  • professionalism and goodwill, willingness to give advice;
  • high quality services;
  • mutual confidence;
  • continuous improvement;
  • long-term relationships with clients;
  • provision of integrated services;

The mission of the Bank

The “RSK Bank’s” goal is to become the leading bank on the market for retail services and the small and medium-sized businesses segment through the provision of high quality and popular services and focus on client needs.

The purpose of our activities is:

  • the welfare of partners and clients of the “RSK Bank” through the creation of effective mechanisms for financial management;
  • improving the welfare of the country by promoting the welfare of the population and businesses; following the principles of corporate social responsibility;
  • prompt provision of a full range of financial services to private and corporate clients to enhance their well-being;
  • use of financial services and resources of the “RSK Bank” to empower its partners, to improve their quality of life and business positions. Make banking services an integral and necessary part of life of the population;
  • continued growth and development of the “RSK Bank” in the interests of its clients and partners, shareholders, employees and the state as a whole.

We are confident that we will achieve our goals through extensive experience of working with the community and business representatives, significant human resource potential and ongoing dialogue with our partners. We expect to achieve these objectives by providing simple, understandable and accessible services for all occasions by implementing key principles - caring about each of our clients and partners.


Сеть подразделений
РСК>БАНКа состоит из 51
филиала, 39 стационарных
сберкасс и 37 выездных касс.
