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Bank Details

The “RSK Bank” Open Joint Stock Company

The License No. 033,  No. 033/1 of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic dated  July 25, 1996 
The legal and mailing address: 80/1 Moskovskaya st., Bishkek 720021
a/c in the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic: 1010126049501012
BIC: 129001
TIN: 02907199610193
Department for the control of large taxpayers: 999

ОКРО: 21573007

Central office:
80/1 Moskovskaya st., Bishkek 
Customer service RSK>INFO: 911 111

The Center for “Alai Card” plastic cards
261 Chui Blvd.., Bishkek, tel.: 65-03-85, 65-02-73




Сеть подразделений
РСК>БАНКа состоит из 51
филиала, 39 стационарных
сберкасс и 37 выездных касс.
