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Change of PIN-code of VISA cards, RSK Bank OJSC

RSK Bank OJSC offers additional new service “Change of PIN-code” for all VISA payment card holders.

New service “Change of PIN-code” makes an opportunity to change independently a PIN-code of VISA payment card into any suitable 4 figure combination in self-service apparatus of RSK Bank OJSC.

Change of PIN-code is FREE OF CHARGE.


Please, insert your VISA card (by chip up and down) to the cash-machine receiver or payment terminal. The screen of cash-machine is shown on figure. The upper line “SELECT LANGUAGE” indicates what language following prompt messages will be shown. The key next to screen where the pointer indicates a language selected by You should be pressed.

After inserting a card and select of language You should insert a PIN-code.

Press the keys with figures located below under the monitor (PIN-keyboard). When You dialed figures, the screen will show four ****. Press the right key on monitor conversely the note “Continue”.

Select the mode “Change of PIN-code”, pressing the key next to the monitor conversely the note “Change of PIN-code”. In order to conform intent of PIN-code change You should perform the function “Continue”.


Further You should insert existing (old) PIN-code. Further, if you inserted correct PIN-code, “Continue” action should be performed, whereupon next screen will be appeared, where You should insert NEW accessible and remembering PIN-code!


When NEW correct PIN-code is inserted, You should remember it.

Congratulations! PIN-code is changed with success!


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