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Customer credit

Consumer lending in national currency


Product Description

Credits: - Individuals.

The purpose of the loan

Consumer purposes

Amount of credit

50 000 soms

% rate

22% per annum (excluding tax) * (eff. rate 23.76%)

Credit term

up to 3 years


Requires real estate

Repayment of the OS and %%

Annuity payments * / **

for the administration of the loan, the Commission

Credit Administration - 0.5% - 2% of the loan amount
Cashing money - according to the tariffs of the Bank.

currency of credit

Kyrgyz soms


The interest rate of a nominal interest rate (%% per annum) of the outstanding amount, based on the number of days

The list of required documents:

According to the standard list of documents for individuals

Additional conditions:

- For early repayment borrower pays 10% of the shortfall percent.
- With misuse of credit a penalty of 5% of the loan amount or the early repayment of the loan

Other conditions

Expenses related to payment of CIB "Ishenim" service the client is on their own, in the amount specified in the Tariff of the Bank.


"Term loan 2, som"

Product Description

Credits: - Individuals.

The purpose of the loan

On the acquisition of real estate, construction

Amount of credit

500 000 soms (an initial payment of 40% of the value of the acquired assets or additional collateral)

% rate

22% per annum (excluding tax) * (eff. rate 23.76%)

Credit term

up to 3 years *

up to 3 years *

Acquire real estate or additional collateral

Repayment of principal and %%

Annuity payments * / **

Bank Commission

Credit Administration - 0.5% - 2.0% of the loan amount
Cashing money - according to the tariffs of the Bank

currency of credit

Kyrgyz soms


The interest rate of a nominal interest rate (%% per annum) of the outstanding amount, based on the number of days

The list of required documents:

According to the standard list of documents for individuals

Additional conditions:

- For early repayment borrower pays 10% of the shortfall percent.
- With misuse of credit a penalty of 5% of the loan amount or the early repayment of the loan *

Other conditions

Expenses related to payment of CIB "Ishenim" service the client is on their own, in the amount specified in the Tariff of the Bank.

    ** In the case of a source of repayment is a business activity subject to seasonal, there may be repayment of principal on a quarterly basis unequal shares. * The ability of individual decisions of the Credit Committee of OJSC "RSK Bank"



Сеть подразделений
РСК>БАНКа состоит из 51
филиала, 39 стационарных
сберкасс и 37 выездных касс.
