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Business loans in foreign currency

Product description

Business loans

Loan purpose

Circulating assets for business development

Loan amount

from 2 000 $

% rate

13% per annum (2% sales tax included)* (eff.rate 14.85%)

Loan term

Up to 60 month 


Real property is required (pursuant to the Decision of Loan committee of the OJSC “RSK Bank”, the movable property can be accepted as an additional loan security)

Repayment of loan principal and %%

Equal monthly instalment* / **

Loan management commission fee

1 % of loan amount (12% VAT and 2% sales tax included)*

Loan currency

US dollars


- for natural persons - interest rate in the amount of one nominal interest rate of the overdue amount, based on the number of overdue days

- for legal entities – double interest rate of the overdue amount, based on the number of overdue days



List of the required documents:

According to the standard documents list for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs

Additional terms:

- at early repayment the borrower shall pay 10% of the amount of the lost interest.*

- in case of non-purpose use of loan, the penalty is 5% of the loan amount or the early loan repayment


*individual Decisions of Loan committee of the OJSC “RSK Bank” are possible

**if the source of repayment is the seasonal activities, the principal repayment is possible on quarterly basis in unequal shares    


List of documents, required for loan arrangement:

  1. Borrower’s application in the approved form;
  2. Passport copy;
  3. Business plan;
  4. Statement of residence;
  5. Mortgage title establishing documents, state register statement;
  6. Private company certificate or patent copies, tax inspection statement and social fund statement (if necessary);
  7. Copy of TIN card;
  8. Spousal consent on loan, mortgage;
  9. Agreement on out-of-court settlements.


For all questions, please contact the Loan division by the following telephone number:
+ 996 312 65 37 34


Сеть подразделений
РСК>БАНКа состоит из 51
филиала, 39 стационарных
сберкасс и 37 выездных касс.
